
Getting started with Infer

With Infer# v1.4 you can identify Security and Performance issues with a single click, all in VS2022 and VSCode. First, make sure that Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is properly installed. Then, download and install the InferSharp extension from the Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code marketplaces. In this article, we’ll show the VS experience, which is mimicked in VS Code. You can also use Infer# directly in WSL and Docker.

The extension adds an Infer# Analysis menu item to the Tools menu. The first time it’s selected, it will complete setup by downloading and installing the Infer# custom WSL distro from Github.

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Analyze your code

After waiting for setup to complete, selecting the Infer# Analysis menu item again will prompt you to provide a directory tree (defaulting to the solution directory, if it exists) containing the DLLs and PDBs you want to analyze. Your selection is automatically saved for future runs in the .infersharpconfig file created in your project directory. The analysis will then run, displaying the warnings in the Error List pane. Additionally, information about the analysis steps is shown in a pane on the right side of the editor, with clickable links to the relevant lines of code.

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